• In any year, about 17 million Americans have an episode of depression, according to the American Psychological Association. Whether this episode was mild, severe or debilitating depends on several factors. Depression is one of the most misunderstood conditions by professionals and clients alike.


    Depression becomes more debilitating when it affects more areas of your life. With overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, you may also have insomnia, a poor or nonexistent appetite, feelings of worthlessness, fatigue, suicidal thoughts, physical pain and memory loss. These combined symptoms make it difficult to carry out daily activities.


    Generally, a depressive episode that last more than two weeks needs to be taken seriously. You should consult a doctor for a diagnosis if this occurs. major depression can continue for months or even years. Tthe longer the depression continues untreated, the more debilitating it can become affecting your relationships, job, and health.


    The outcomes of your depression will help you determine how debilitating it is. Psychology Information Online suggests that you ask yourself how much the depression is interfering with your life. If it has affected several areas or a significant relationship drastically, you need to seek outside help.

    Major Depression

    The most severe type of depression is clinically referred to as a major depressive episode or major depression. It is characterized by more symptoms with greater intensity, according to Pyschology Information Online. It can happen after a single traumatic incident or after months of a less severe form of depression. Debilitating depression would be clinically diagnosed as major depression.


    Treatment for debilitating depression can include medication, psychotherapy, cognitive therapy (replace negative or self-defeating thoughts) hypnosis, exercise, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), stress reduction and acupuncture (insertion of thin needles in energy points). Often, a combination of treatments works better than a single one.


    Depression and Mood Disorders

    Depression and How Psychotherapy and Other Treatments Can Help People Recover

    Treatment for Depression

    More Information:

    Diagnostic Evaluation and Treatment

    Depression: Tragically Misunderstood

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