  • <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Are Portability and Space Important?

    If work requires an Internet connection or a good deal of writing along with the ability to travel, a laptop could be indispensable. Students may need a laptop to stay on task with assignments wherever they go. A laptop uses less space--valuable in college dorm rooms--than a desktop does. Laptops with wireless Internet capabilities make work and study possible in restaurants, hotels and anyplace else a wireless Internet connection is available.

    On the Other: A Desktop May Be All You Need

    There may not be a reason to add a laptop to expenses if the above criteria are not a lifestyle fit. If a person has a desktop computer at work or home and does not have to travel, a laptop is not necessary.

    Bottom Line

    Laptops are a convenient way to get things done and to communicate with others when on the road or out of the home, but if you don't the Internet or can do your work without a computer, it is not necessary to buy a laptop.


    University of Wisconsin-Madison: Should I Buy a Laptop or a Desktop?

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