• Stevia is a native South American herb prized for its intense natural sweetness. Stevia leaves are estimated to be 10 to 15 times sweeter than sugar, and their extract may be up to 300 times sweeter.

    About Stevia

    Stevia has been used as a sweetener by native Brazilians and Paraguay's Guarani Indians for centuries. Herbalists in both countries also use stevia medicinally in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and infections.

    Dietary Benefits

    Stevia is calorie-free and does not raise blood glucose levels, making it an ideal choice for dieters and diabetics who prefer a natural sugar substitute.

    Commercial Use

    Stevia is marketed as a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners in Japan, the world's largest consumer of stevia. In December 2008 the FDA upgraded stevia to Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS), allowing companies such as Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to market it as a sugar substitute in their soft drinks.


    A study conducted at Taiwan's Taipei Medical College and published in the September 2000 British Journal of Pharmacology revealed that stevia can help significantly lower blood pressure without causing side affects. According to researchers at Mahidol University in Thailand and February 2006's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, stevia displays anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. However, they were unable to determine how it accomplishes this.


    Consult a doctor before using stevia if you are pregnant or taking prescription medication


    Tropical Plant Database: Stevia

    Stevia History

    Memorial Sloan-Kettering: Stevia

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