• Raw peanuts, also known as green or boiling peanuts, are peanuts that have not been dried, roasted or otherwise processed, but are sold or shipped for sale immediately after they are harvested. Raw peanuts are a southern American specialty that are boiled in salted water and eaten as a snack.


    Raw peanuts, also known as fresh or green peanuts, are commercially grown throughout the southern U.S., and especially in northern central Florida where there is a long growing season for fresh peanuts.


    Valencia and Virginia peanuts are the most popular types of raw peanuts sold commercially. There are several varieties of each of these types of peanuts. Valencia varieties include New Mexico Valencia A, New Mexico Valencia C, McRan and Georgia Red. Virginia varieties include NC 7 and Gregory.

    Time Frame

    Peanuts grown to be eaten fresh are usually harvested at an earlier stage of maturity than those grown to be dried and roasted. Green peanuts are more perishable than dried and must be sold soon after harvesting.


    Raw peanuts may be hand-harvested or harvested with conventional peanut farm machinery. Hand-harvested raw peanuts are more refined in appearance and less perishable than machine-harvested peanuts, which my be bruised and otherwise damaged.

    Fun Fact

    According to Linda Stradley, author of "What's Cooking America," Southerners traditionally eat boiled raw peanuts outdoors so their wet shells can simply be spit out or tossed on the ground.


    University of Florida Extension

    More Information:

    What's Cooking in America: Boiled Peanuts

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