• The certified information systems security professional (CISSP) program is offered by the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium. The CISSP exam assesses the test taker's knowledge of systems security concepts.


    You are eligible to take the CISSP exam if you at least five years of experience in the field of information security and you pass a criminal background check.


    The cost of the CISSP exam is $549 if you register at least 16 days before the test date. Late registrations are charged an extra $50.


    There are 250 multiple-choice questions in the CISSP exam that need to be answered within six hours. On average, it takes most people about four hours to complete the test.


    The questions in the CISSP exam are based on 10 system security topics, such as applications and systems development, cryptography and security management practices.


    The CISSP test is graded on a scale. The score associated with each question depends on its difficulty level. You can expect to pass the test if you score at least 70 to 80 percent in most cases.


    The CISSP Examination FAQs

    International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium

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