• Psychology degrees offer many different opportunities, depending on the level of study achieved. Even a bachelor's degree in psychology is preparation for many careers, including those in the mental health field.


    There are four different types of psychology degrees that require varying levels of study: a bachelor of arts (BA), a master of science (MS), a doctorate (Ph.D.) and a doctor of psychology (Psy.D.).


    A BA in psychology is appropriate preparation for many different careers, including case management, criminal investigations and employment counseling. However, it is not possible to work as a psychologist if a BA is the highest level of degree obtained.

    Graduate Degrees

    An MS requires one to three years of study after the BA is obtained and is generally done as preparation for either doctoral work or as a career in psychology itself. A Ph.D. takes five to seven years and allows for career options based on specialization, whether research or clinical practice. A variant of the PhD is the Psy.D., which prepares graduates with an emphasis on clinical practice.

    Beyond Clinical Work

    Psychologists who work in the field don't all work as clinicians or counselors. They also work as writers, researchers and forensic specialists, for example.


    Many of the topics covered in a psychology program will be of personal interest and provide insight into how human beings think, relate and act. This kind of insight is useful in all areas of life.

    Earning Potential

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2010-2011, the median salary wage for clinical, counseling and school psychologists was $64,140 in May 2008, while the median salary wage for industrial-organization psychologists was $77,010.


    American Psychological Association

    Occupations of Interest to Psychologists

    Occupational Outlook Pyschology

    More Information:

    Occupational Outlook Pyschology

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