• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Cost Effectiveness

    According to Guitar Effects Oriented Web Page, the cost of purchasing items such as IC chips, capacitors, wafer boards and enclosures for building a commonly available guitar effect, such as a harmony pedal, will cost more than purchasing a manufactured unit new in the box.

    On the Other: Quality Counts

    The manufacturers of readily available effect units often keep costs down by using lower quality components that can cause noise, premature failure and other issues that higher end "boutique" units do not have. Building your own effect boxes will allow you to control the quality of components that enables the ability to build effect boxes that surpass the quality of readily available units.

    Bottom Line

    There are numerous locations that now sell do-it-yourself kits that will not only help you save money, but also help you prevent error when purchasing components. This may help to make building a harmony pedal that is cost efficient and with higher quality than readily available units.


    Guitar Effects: Cost Effectiveness

    General Guitar Gadgets: General Gadgets

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