• Maternity insurance covers the costs associated with pregnancy and delivery of a baby. Although group insurance policies through employers are legally required to include maternity benefits in their coverage, individual plans do not always cover pregnancy.


    According to statistics cited by Consumer Reports, the average cost of having a baby is $10,000 when no complications are involved. If the mother develops complications, such as gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, the price can increase to as much as $300,000.

    Group Insurance

    If you receive health insurance through your employer, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires group insurance policies through employers to cover maternity. Additionally, if you switch jobs while pregnant, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prevents your pregnancy from being treated as a pre-existing condition.

    Supplemental Coverage

    One method of covering expenses is by purchasing a maternity card that helps reduce costs for doctor's visits, lab work, hospital stays, prescription coverage and newborn tests. These types of cards can be found on the Internet through services such as Maternity Advantage, which help pregnant women locate insurance alternatives.

    Maternity Rider

    For existing individual health insurance policies, a maternity rider can be added. With a Blue Cross Premier Plan, this addition is only available if your plan has a deductible of $2,500 (individual) or $5,000 (family). These figures are from 2009 and refer to the policy's availability in Indiana. Availability may differ in other states. Adding the rider will increase the monthly premiums.

    Uninsured Pregnancies

    According to, 13 percent of all pregnancies in the United States are not covered by any type of maternity insurance. In more than half of these pregnancies, the prenatal care is begun late, usually in the second trimester.


    Insurance Shoppers: Maternity & Pregnancy

    Blue Cross Anthem Premier

    More Information:

    Consumer Reports: When health insurance won't cover your pregnancy

    Maternity Advantage

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