• College degrees in a particular subject or field are not required to write children's books. What is required is a good story and a firm grasp of the intended audience. There are, however, many college courses and programs specifically designed to develop an aspiring author's talents, as well as further their ability to achieve publication.

    Undergrad Prerequisite Courses

    Though master's degrees in Children's Literature are numerous, bachelor's degrees in Children's Literature are rare. Therefore, it is essential to gain a large amount of knowledge and experience through general undergraduate writing courses. Essential courses include: Creative Writing, English Rhetoric, Critical Literature and English Literature.

    Marketing and Media Courses

    In this age, writing and producing a children's novel is only half the job; it still has to be sold to a publisher and marketed to the public. The marketplace is changing rapidly and publishers are becoming increasingly fickle in their purchases. Gaining a better understanding of your reading audience and your selling audience can only help your chances of selling your book.

    Art and Illustration Courses

    Many children's authors illustrate their own material, while many others collaborate with a professional illustrator. Either way, it is essential that the author have an understanding of how she wants her vision brought to life, even if she cannot do it herself. Marrying words and images to fit each other is a large part of makes a children's book successful. Introductory courses in drawing and illustration can only aide an aspiring children's author. Even if you have no desire to illustrate a book yourself, the knowledge gained from introductory art courses will help further the collaboration between author and artist.

    Graphic Design Courses

    Not all children's books are illustrated in traditional formats such as drawing or painting. Consumer-friendly illustration and photo software programs have aided a rise in non-traditional illustration formats in children's literature. There also exist several programs that can help an author design the overall look and style of a book, simplifying the design process for the author. Courses in Graphic Design, Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator and other media software can be essential tools to any children's author looking to push the boundaries of design and illustration.

    Graduate Degrees in Children's Literature

    There are numerous universities that offer graduate degrees in Children's Literature. Most offer MFAs that can be earned after taking a variety of courses, including Creative Writing for Children, Creating Picture Books for Children, Children's Literature and Critical Theory.


    Hollins University: Children's Literature Master's Degree Program

    Verlakay: Children's Writers & Illustrators Message Board

    More Information: Website for locating Masters degrees in Children Literature

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