• Enriching your life by expanding your education can be rewarding. But there are a few things you need to know before jumping into the world of online education to help you make the most of your experience, and avoid some of the pitfalls that can come with this method of learning. When choosing to pursue an online degree or just take a few online classes some are better than others to take online. If you do choose to take more difficult classes you should consider your learning style and your natural aptitudes to make the right decision.

    Classes Most Suited to the Online Environment

    Some courses are better to take online than others, especially when they involves more self study or extensive computer work. Choosing classes from humanities, technology and business categories make for the most appropriate online courses. Humanities courses include: History, English, Sociology, Journalism, Health education, Library science Technology courses include: Web design, Programming, Database, Multimedia studies, C++ Business courses include: Real estate, Management Hybrid classes are courses that consist of a classroom section and an online presence. These are designed to expand the capabilities of the traditional classroom setting, and are good courses to take because it allows more flexibility coupled with classroom time.


    If you decide to take another online class there are a few things to take into consideration, including aptitude. Choosing subjects that you find difficult become even more challenging when taken online. The extra assistance that is offered in a traditional classroom setting can help you fully understand the material. If you choose to still pursue the class online then more work may be required as well as the instruction of a tutor.

    Learning Style

    Everyone has a different learning style. You should determine your optimum learning style in order to choose the right classes and be successful in college. People are either audio learners, visual learners, tactile learners or a combination of each of the learning styles. Currently, online classes are best designed for visual learners. They are usually structured around reading online lectures, taking notes and conversing with other students in the class through the forums. Both audio learners and tactile learners generally do best in a traditional classroom setting. However audio and tactile learners can take online classes if they choose classes that combine audio lectures, class projects and hands-on activities. Some online classes do offer class projects, streaming video, podcasts or other audio files. If your learning style is geared to either audio or tactile learning try a course that contains some of these tools. Check the course syllabus to see how the professor structures the class and the tools they use.


    If you understand the nature of online learning and use some tools to pick the right classes then it can enrich your overall learning experience. Either sticking to classes that are more appropriate to take online, or by understanding the extra work it might take picking an online class should be an easy process.


    University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point: Tips for Being a Successful Online Learner

    Education Online: How to Choose an Online Degree Program Choosing Online Classes Based on Your Learning Style

    More Information:

    UC Berkeley Extension: Professional and Continuing Education

    Foothill College: Home Page Online Schools

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