• Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are more than 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy, making them the most effective method of birth control next to abstinence and sterilization. They provide long-term protection that can easily be reversed if you decide to become pregnant.

    Types of IUDs

    There are two types of IUDs available in the United States: Mirena and ParaGard. The ParaGard is made of copper, and the Mirena contains the hormone progestin.

    How ParaGard Works

    ParaGard works by keeping sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg. In addition, it keeps eggs from implanting in the uterus. ParaGard does not change a woman's natural menstrual cycle.

    How Mirena Works

    Mirena works by thickening cervical mucus and thinning the lining of the uterus. This keeps sperm from being able to reach and fertilize an egg. It may also prevent an egg from being released from the ovaries.

    How Long IUDs Work

    ParaGard is effective up to 10 years. Mirena is effective up to five years. If you want an IUD to keep working, you must have it replaced at this time.

    Ensuring an IUD Keeps Working

    Every month you should check the strings to make sure they are still in place. If they are not there or feel shorter, the IUD may have fallen out or slipped out of place.


    Planned Parenthood



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