• Gastric banding or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is a surgical weight loss procedure. It is considered a restrictive procedure because it restricts or reduces the available space in the stomach.

    When Is It Used

    The Mayo Clinic reports that gastric banding is reserved for those with an extreme level of obesity. This means a body mass index of 35 to 40 units or higher.


    The gastric band itself is usually made from a plastic or vinyl material, a bit like an inner tube, which can be inflated with a saline solution.


    The procedure is performed using laparoscopic technique in which tiny incisions are made to insert telescoping laparoscopes that carry cameras or tools and the band. The camera provides visual images to guide the band placement.

    How it works

    The Mayo Clinic reports that the band divides the stomach into two pouches with a narrow opening between them. The upper pouch fills more quickly than a normal stomach, causes a feeling of fullness and should reduce food consumption.


    Gastric banding, if combined with appropriate post-operative lifestyle changes in diet and exercise habits can reduce total body weight by up to 50 percent. The Mayo Clinic notes that approximately 50 percent of those who undergo the surgery keep the weight off until at least the 5 year mark.


    Mayo clinic: Obesity: Treatment and Drugs Lap-Band Procedure

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