• Effexor, like all antidepressants, can lose effectiveness over time. This trend is tracked by mental health experts and is commonly linked to factors beyond the actual medication.

    'Poop-Out Effect'

    Known as the "poop-out effect," the Mayo Clinic reports that this phenomenon affects roughly 20 percent of antidepressant patients.


    Other medications can have bad reactions to your Effexor, or can have effects on your body that give you the impression that the medication has lost its effectiveness.

    Changing Conditions

    Aging and increased stress can deepen mental conditions, such as depression, which may require a changed prescription approach or psychotherapy.


    A misdiagnosis can lead to a medicine's effectiveness not working for long. For example, depression is one aspect of manic depression, but these are two very different diseases that require different medications.

    Body Influx

    Changes in your body's makeup can affect your well being, again giving the impression that the medicine has stopped working. Thyroid disease is an example of a condition that can confuse your depression treatment.


    Mayo Clinic: Major depression

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