• Asbestos is a material that has been used for thousands of years. It is a strong, durable substance and is fire-resistant. The ancient Romans used it as a building material. They even believed it would protect them from magic spells. Egyptian Pharaohs were embalmed with asbestos. Starting in the 1860s asbestos began to be used for everything from insulation to building materials.

    How to check for asbestos

    Unless the tiles have the word "asbestos" stamped on them, there is no good way to check for asbestos by visual inspection. However, if your home was built prior to 1980, this greatly increases the odds of the tiles having asbestos fibers. After 1980 the danger of asbestos was realized and its use greatly declined. By then it became clear that asbestos was, in fact, very hazardous. The asbestos fibers are very large, and when inhaled they cannot be expelled. This can lead to a form of cancer known as Mesothelioma. Going simply by the home's build date, however, is not a perfect way of checking for asbestos. This should be considered the first step in deciding if the tiles contain asbestos. If the house was built before 1980 a sample of the material should be sent to a lab to determine if indeed it is asbestos. This is not a test you can do yourself or do at home.

    Sending it to a lab

    There are many labs that will check for asbestos. You can frequently find the testing kits at your local hardware store. You can also order them online. Generally the kit will include a container in which the sample should be placed, as well as instructions for how to properly collect the sample. Once you have placed the sample in the container, you should then return it to the lab for testing. There will be a fee involved in having the test done. The fee is usually included in the cost of the testing kit. The testing kits and the tests themselves can have a range of costs. Generally speaking, however, these tests are fairly inexpensive.

    Be careful with ceiling tiles

    Ceiling tiles, particularly "T-Bar" ceiling tiles, are particularly dangerous in a home. This is because they are easily removed, and easily broken/crumbled. So the danger of inhalation is fairly high. A "T-Bar" system is also commonly known as a "drop ceiling." Because of this danger, if you suspect at all that you have asbestos in your home, be sure to get the test done as soon as possible.

    Source: A Brief History of Asbestos Use and Associated Health Risks Asbestos-Containing Products To Check For T-Bar Ceiling Tiles - Mesothelioma and Asbestos Exposure Risks

    More Information:

    Pro-Lab Asbestos Testing Kit

    DIY Testing Kits

    EPA Laws and Regulations: Asbestos

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