• While the penalties for driving with an expired license varies, California allows for second chances when it comes to this traffic violation. Drivers are advised to check the state's websites for more information on fines and laws.

    Driving Without a License

    California vehicle code 12500 (a) makes it illegal to drive without a license. The first part of the code makes it illegal and a misdemeanor to drive without a valid license, meaning a person can receive probation, jail time or fines up to $1,000. For first-time offenders, police are often more forgiving, depending on the driving record.

    The Courts Have a Say

    San Anselmo is a small town in northern California with a low crime rate, and its police refer the actual fine to the courts if you are found to be driving without a license. You can visit, enter the citation number and find out what your fee is. It can be based on driving record also. In other cities, you would refer to the court issued on the citation.

    Know The law

    If your license is coming up for expiration, visit and find out what the hours of your local office are and any other requirements for your renewal. In general, allow 10 days for processing, so don't wait until the last minute.

    From Town to Town

    Newport Beach, California, is located in the state's tony Orange County, and according to their local police department, an expired license won't get you in jail any time soon. Usually you will receive a "fix it" ticket and be asked to return with proof of the renewed license. But don't get too comfortable because in rare cases this town has towed cars for this offense.

    Know Before You Go

    In general, it isn't a good idea to drive without an expired license. There are many horror stories of $1,000 fines for year-old expired licenses, impounded cars and just general grief. Visit your local DMV two months before your license is due to renew. When you're out on the open, sunny roads, you'll drive free and be glad you did.


    Newport Beach, California

    California Department of Motor Vehicles

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