• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Recognized Benefits

    RiddexPlus uses pulses undetectable to human ears to drive pests away. The digital pest repeller specifically claims that it works on rats, mice and roaches at frequencies only they detect. While humans only hear frequencies around 20 kHz to 15 kHz, certain moths can hear over 100 kHz. Whether the noise given off by RiddexPlus disturbs insects is unknown, but the Federal Trade Commission allowed electronic pest repellant makers to claim a device "repels, controls, drives away or eliminates, temporarily or indefinitely, mice, rats, cockroaches or any other insects or animal pests," and this may include bed bugs. Therefore, it seems possible that RiddexPlus' pulse technology can drive off more than just roaches.

    On the Other: Limited Claim of Effectiveness

    RiddexPlus only claims effectiveness against rats, mice and roaches. The product says nothing about its effects on bed bugs or any other type of pest. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission fined Global Instruments, a maker of electronic pest repellers similar to RiddexPlus, for making scientifically unsubstantiated claims about their products. Other electronic pest repeller manufacturers, including Riddex, were included in the decision and order and had to revise their claims according to the FTC's restrictions.

    Bottom Line

    Unfortunately, neither Riddex or any of the other pest repeller manufacturers specifically say their products work on bed bugs, and there is no scientific study to collaborate it. According to Cornell University's Integrated Pest Management Program, the best way to eliminate bed bugs is to consult a professional and follow a detailed cleaning regiment. A step-by-step list of how to remove bed bugs is provided on their website.


    RiddexPlus Website

    Federal Trade Commission Decision and Order Concerning Global Instruments Ltd.

    Cornell University Bed Bug Management and Prevention

    More Information:

    Harvard School of Public Health: Bed Bugs

    New York vs. Bed Bugs Policy Advocacy Group

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