• Asthma is a disease that causes the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs to become swollen and sore. Because these tubes are smaller in children than in adults, asthma is an even more serious problem for them. Avoiding triggers and careful monitoring are keys to controlling asthma in children. It is also important to have a clear plan of action in the event of a more serious asthma flare-up or attack.

    Avoid Asthma Triggers

    One step in preventing asthma flare-ups is being aware of and avoiding things that trigger a reaction--though this may prove difficult to do completely. For example, if exercising in cold air triggers a flare-up in your child, plan an alternative fun activity for him. Household dust and mites can be an asthma trigger, so you may have to take extra care to clean your house, avoid pets and perhaps purchase an air filter. You may have to forbid irritants such as tobacco smoke, certain cleaning products or scented candles from your home. Also, be aware of emotional triggers such as anxiety or anger that might cause an asthma attack. Do what you can to prepare your child for situations that might overstimulate him.

    Create an Asthma Action Plan

    The Mayo Clinic recommends creating a written action plan to monitor medications and triggers as well as plan steps you will take when your child experiences various types of asthma attack. This chart will allow you to recognize early signs of an attack in your child, know when and how to adjust her medications, record how treatments are working, and know when to call the doctor or emergency room. Asthma varies from person to person, so you will need to work with your doctor to develop a plan for your child. Keep copies of this printed document at your home, in your wallet or handbag and at your child's school or caregiver. Meet with your doctor regularly to review and update your child's asthma action plan.


    Merck Manual of Medical Information: Asthma in Children

    Mayo Clinic: Creating an Asthma Action Plan

    More Information:

    Mayo Clinic: Asthma Action Plan (sample)

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