• According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hazardous waste is waste material that is potentially harmful or dangerous to the health of human beings and the environment.


    The EPA classifies hazardous waste according to certain characteristics. These classifications include ignitibility, corrosivity, reactivity and toxicity.

    Ignitable and Corrosive

    Ignitable materials which generally are liquids with a flashpoint below 60 degrees Celsius or a 140 degrees Fahrenheit are hazardous materials. Corrosive materials usually consist of acids or bases that are capable of corroding metals.

    Reactive and Toxic

    Hazardous reactive materials are unstable, explosive and react violently with water. Toxic hazardous materials are chemicals that pose a danger to health or environment.


    Keep in mind that material is also classified as hazardous if it contributes to an increase in mortality or if it contributes to an increase of incapacitating illness.


    Hazardous waste is usually disposed of in special landfills or through the use of incineration. Also, hazardous waste can be recycled into usable products or treated with biological, chemical or physical methods to make it nonhazardous.


    Environmental Protection Agency: Hazardous Waste

    Thinkquest: Hazardous Waste Definition

    Environmental Health and Safety: Hazardous Waste Guidelines


    EPA: Waste Characteristics

    Maryland Department of the Environment: Hazardous Waste Program

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