• Bachelor of Arts degrees are awarded to students who complete their studies involving issues that affect modern-day society. After achieving a Bachelor of Arts degree, you can continue studying for a Masters of Arts Degree, and then a Doctorate.

    Type of degree

    A Bachelor of Arts degree is an undergraduate bachelor's degree given by an academic institution to someone who has completed a course of study in a liberal arts or sciences field.


    A bachelor of arts degree can be abbreviated as B.A. or A.B., which comes from the Latin artium baccalaureus.

    Program length

    Bachelor of Arts programs often last between three to four years.

    Liberal arts defined

    Studies that fall within the liberal arts category are literature, languages, philosophy, history, mathematics, science, and the fine and visual arts.

    Degree requirements

    Most academic institutions require students to take basic courses in science and the humanities, along with several courses related to their major before a Bachelor of Arts degree is awarded.


    "The Politics of Liberal Education;" Darryl J. Gless, Barbara Herrnstein Smith; 1992

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