• Auto insurance fraud refers to an attempt by an individual to fake a car accident, auto accident injury or any other event that will allow them to receive funds from the insurance company in an untruthful manner.

    Swoop and Squat

    This is a form of car insurance fraud that attempts to set up an auto accident by barricading a car on the road and having the front car slam on the brakes, forcing the barricaded car to run into the car in front of them.

    Side Swipe

    This is a scam involving the use of dual left turn lanes at a busy intersection. The criminal positions their car in the outside turn lane and sideswipes the inside car when they drift into their lane, something that commonly happens to avoid traffic.

    Panic Stop

    A panic stop involves the use of a car full of people driving in front of a car. One of the passengers in the front car waits for the driver in the car behind them to take their eyes of the road and then orders the driver to slam on their brakes, causing the back car to ram into them.


    The intent of all of these scams is to put an unsuspecting driver at fault in an auto accident, which makes them responsible for paying all costs relating to damage and injuries.


    The prevalence of car insurance fraud leads to higher insurance premiums for everyone. The only way to combat this is to be aware of your surroundings at all times while on the road.


    Car Insurance Rates: The Cost of Car Insurance Fraud - Fake Claims, Increased Rates, & More

    Insurance Fraud Info: The Real Price Of Insurance Fraud



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