• Many positions exist within the educational system, including principal, athletic director, guidance counselor and teacher. But teachers are the ones who often have the most influence over students, as they are the ones who interact with students every day in the classroom. Traditionally, those with a vocation to teach had to obtain a degree by enrolling in a "brick-and-mortar" college or university. Today, a growing number of programs are available to you if you want to get an education degree online.

    Types of Degrees

    Explore the programs that are available and which one you will need to get teaching credentials in your area of interest. Online teaching degrees are available at the Bachelor's, Master's, and doctoral level. Specific programs vary from institution to institution, but typically, general education programs as well as early childhood/elementary education programs are offered. According to, one of the greatest benefits of earning a teaching degree online is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Additionally, if you enroll in an online degree program, you do not need to quit a current part-time or full-time job in order to commit to a rigorous, full-time college or university schedule. You can earn a teaching degree at your own pace. You will also save money, both because online institutions are generally less expensive than their brick-and-mortar counterparts, and because you will not have to commute to school.

    Top Online Institutions

    When choosing an online institution and teaching program to enroll in, make sure to review all of the costs and benefits associated with each. Looking at reviews on blogs or websites is a good way to learn how specific institutions and programs work (and how difficult or easy they are to complete). According, some of the best online institutions for earning a teaching a degree include the University of Phoenix, Kaplan University, Grand Canyon University, Liberty University, Ashford University, Western Governors University, Walden University, and Penn Foster College. Of these online institutions, only the University of Phoenix and Grand Canyon University offer teaching/education degree programs at the doctoral level, and only the University of Phoenix and Penn Foster College offer degrees in early childhood education. According to, of the institutions listed above, only Western Governors University and Walden University offer post-baccalaureate teacher preparation programs which provide supervised, in-classroom training, and only Western Governors University and Kaplan University offer programs in educational/teaching leadership. Individuals who still want the security of knowing there is a physical place where they can go if a problem arises with their online teaching program might choose Walden University, which has brick-and-mortar campuses across the country.


    Online Education Degrees

    Top Online Teaching Degree Programs

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