• In many cultures, large breasts are associated with beauty, fertility and sexuality. Many women want to have fuller breasts, and there are several techniques that can increase breast size without surgery.

    Biphasic Contraceptives

    Contraceptive techniques that utilize estrogen tend to increase breast size. The "combination" pill, with contains both estrogen and progesterone, can encourage the body to deposit more fat in breast tissue.

    Weight Gain

    Breasts are composed almost entirely of fat., and larger women tend to have fuller breasts Thin women can increase the size of their breasts through weight gain.

    Herbal Formulas

    Herbal galactagogues-- plants traditionally used to stimulate breastmilk production-- can be used to increase breast size. Traditional galactogogues include fenugreek, fennel, blessed thistle and cumin.


    Almost all women experience breast growth during pregnancy, and some women gain two or more cup sizes.


    Breastfeeding can significantly increase a woman's breast size. However, the effects generally disappear after weaning.


    Netdoctor: Microgynon (Combination Pill) Side Effects

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