• Sweet corn, reserved for larger gardens, grows best in sunlight and should be planted when any chance of frost has passed. Corn grows best in short rows, making it easier for the plants to pollinate. According to the National Gardening Association, "Many people find that planting corn in rows takes less time. There's usually less thinning needed, and it's easy to cultivate rows during the season." Preparation and planting correctly are key to harvesting a successful corn crop.

    Prepare the Soil

    Select a gardening site with full sun. Till the top 8 to 10 inches of garden soil with a rake or rototiller, removing weeds and rocks. Corn requires nitrogen for successful growth, so spread a 10-10-10 fertilizer on top of the soil, using 2 to 3 pounds of fertilizer for every 100 square feet of garden. Rake the fertilizer into soil, working it in 3 to 4 inches deep.

    Plant in Rows

    Use 1 to 2 ounces of seed for 100 feet rows. Do not use seed from the previous year; it will not grow as well. Plant corn in several short rows. Space rows 2 to 4 feet apart. Plant seeds 1 1/2 to 2 inches deep and 6 to 8 inches apart.


    Water corn every day when it doesn't rain. Do so first thing in the morning before the corn is thirsty from the heat of the sun or late in the afternoon. Corn is susceptible to wilting and poor kernel formation from lack of water.


    Thin plantings by pulling up plants and dividing into individual plants once they have emerged and are 4 to 5 inches tall. Thinned plantings should be 12 to 16 inches apart. Thinning assures the plants have enough room to grow.


    National Gardening Association: Corn Planting Basics

    Texas A&M: Easy Gardening-Sweet Corn

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