• Anemones are invertebrates characterized by a bag of skin filled with water, a small mouth in the center of the disc-shaped body, and tentacles radiating out. Some species have a sucker-like foot that enables them to move around.


    Anemones are semi-sessile, meaning that they typically attach to a specific surface, but also have a mechanism to move around.

    Reasons for Motility

    Anemones require high-intensity light, moderate to heavy water flow, and access to food sources. If the conditions are not optimal, the anemone will move around the tank looking for a better location.

    Anemone Attraction

    Anemones are not drawn to each other. However, they will likely be drawn to the same location in an aquarium because of optimal conditions.


    In their tentacles, anemones have stinging cells called nematocysts. If another anemone moves too close, the anemone will sting it. This causes the offender to move out of reach or possibly die. You could attempt to move one of the anemones manually.

    Encouraging Settlement

    Newly placed anemones will naturally move around because of stress. You can encourage an anemone to stay put by placing it in a good location with appropriate light and water flow. You can also feed it well so that it thinks it has good food sources.


    "The Marine Aquarium Problem Solver;" Nick Dakin, 1996 The Bubble Tip Anemone


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