• Donating eggs takes considerable effort--weeks of injecting hormones and fertility drugs, followed by surgery to remove the eggs--and donors are compensated for their time and effort.

    Average Payments

    The average payment for one egg donation cycle in 2007 was $4,217, according to the journal Fertility and Sterility, but some clinics pay as much as $15,000 per donation. Repeat donations typically pay more than first-time donations.

    Donating to Friends and Relatives

    Donating eggs to someone you know generally is not compensated beyond paying for your actual medical expenses, although this varies on an individual basis.

    Partial Payment

    If the egg donation is canceled for reasons beyond your control, you are usually entitled to a partial payment.

    What Payment Covers

    Egg donors are not paid for their eggs directly; rather, they are compensated for their time, effort and discomfort.


    Payments for egg donation are considered taxable income by the IRS, so you must pay taxes on them as you would on employment income.


    Becoming an Egg Donor

    "As Demand for Donor Eggs Soars, High Prices Stir Ethical Concerns," The New York Times

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