• Although small claims courts usually only deal with claims under $5,000, they can still carry all of the administrative hurdles of a larger case. However, most small claims cases are not very complex and easy enough for you to represent yourself.


    A small claims court case actually starts before entering the courtroom, says the Superior Court of California, Santa Clara, website. You must first figure who you are suing and why. In addition, after filing you must wait for the person to contest the case. If the person does not answer, you win automatically.


    Small claims courts are not required to provide you with an attormey unless demanded by state law, nor will the judge give advice on the case, according to the North Carolina Court System website.

    Time Span

    Although small claims trials are generally very simple, some cases can take a month to reach a verdict, reports the Superior Court of California, Santa Clara. The North Carolina Court System suggests that people plan to be in court at least three hours for each day of the trial.


    You can prevent going to small claims court and dealing with all of the legal hassles by settling with the other party before the trial begins.

    Expert Insight

    States generally allow people to appeal a decision, depending on which side of the case they are on. California, for example, does not allow plaintiffs (person filing) to appeal a decision, according to the California Court System.


    Superior Court of California-Santa Clara County; Introduction to Civil Cases

    The North Caroline Court System; FAQ

    California Court System; Small Claims Basics

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