• As an adjective or noun "progressive" can be used to describe people in any situation or context, but there is also a political movement specifically associated with the term "progressive."


    Basically, progressive describes moving forward and advancing, usually towards a better or more idealistic future. A progressive, as a noun, refers to a person who actively strives for a better society, usually through government or political action.

    Political Movement

    Progressivism as a political ideology started in the late 1800s, and is associated with things like the movement to abolish slavery and the movement for women's suffrage. Progressives believed they could transform society and fix underlying social problems through direct action.

    Famous Political Progressives

    Some famous or well-known members of the progressive movement include people like William Jennings Bryan, who served as secretary of state, and Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt.

    Progressive Era

    Led by influential politicians and presidents, the progressive ideology gave birth to an era of American reforms. The Progressive Era is also called the age of great reform. During this period, numerous laws were passed to limit corruption and improve the conditions of laborers, minorities, immigrants, women and children. Things like child-labor laws and food-packaging safety requirements were enacted.

    Progressive Tax

    A use of the word "progressive" that is not associated with the Progressive Era is the concept of a "progressive tax." A progressive tax system is one in which people with higher incomes pay a larger percentage in taxes than do people with lower incomes.

    Source: The Progressive Movement

    Academic :The Progressive Era

    Digital History: Learn about the Progressive Era

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