• Barometric pressure, or atmospheric pressure, is the amount of pressure exerted by the atmosphere on the earth. A barometer measures the pressure at any given point. Weather conditions affect barometric pressure.


    Barometers measure barometric, or air, pressure. Inside of a barometer is a thin tube containing mercury that expands and contracts based on the pressure.


    When the pressure increases, the mercury in the barometer expands and rises. On the other hand, a decrease in air pressure causes the mercury to contract and lower.


    High pressure barometric readings indicate fair weather fronts without precipitation. A low or falling barometric reading warns of precipitation and potential storms.


    Barometric pressure is measured in inches or hectopascals (hPa). The U.S. National Weather Service uses inches, while scientists measure pressure in hPa.

    Fun Fact

    Evangelista Torricelli invented the barometer in the seventeenth century.


    USA Today: Measuring Barometric Pressure

    National Weather Service

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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