• Hydrogen power is a term for the energy production and distribution of hydrogen as a viable fuel source to power buildings, homes and the transportation industry.


    Hydrogen is the most abundant gas in the universe and it's the primary element of the sun. Through the process of fusion hydrogen makes life possible on Earth. Hydrogen is lighter than air and by itself it would quickly disappear through our atmosphere. On Earth this element is found combined with other elements such as oxygen and carbon.


    The separation of hydrogen from compounds (such as water and petroleum) is how hydrogen power is obtained for energy use. Hydrogen is an energy carrier like electricity and this simply means that hydrogen is practical for moving energy from primary sources such as coal.


    Steam reforming and electrolysis are the two primary methods that are used to extract hydrogen from compound sources. These processes can only be carried out at hydrogen plants that have been designed for this purpose. Steam reforming plants account for the majority of hydrogen use.


    Hydrogen power is an expensive process to upkeep plus it can cause problems to the environment through greenhouse gas emissions. Building fuel cells are also expensive and large power plants won't be built until the cost of this process declines.


    Most of the hydrogen power that is consumed within the United States is used for refining, treating metals, and processing food. Certain states such as California, Louisiana, and Texas use this type of energy to power 5 to 8 million homes.


    U.S. Department of Energy

    Energy Kids

    Renewable Energy


    Energy Information Administration

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