• Plants need carbon dioxide to survive, much like humans need oxygen. Plants absorb carbon dioxide through their cell membranes as part of the process known as photosynthesis that allows the plant to produce the simple sugars it needs to live.

    Acceleratd Growth

    Plants exposed to higher levels of carbon dioxide tend to grow faster than plants exposed to normal levels of the gas. This applies to all photosynthetic plants. Some plants grow up to 50 percent faster when exposed to more carbon dioxide.


    Millions of years ago, Earth had a higher concentration of carbon dioxide, leading to significantly larger and more numerous plant growth than at present. Over time, photosynthesis and chemical decomposition have reduced the overall amounts.


    Earth's athmosphere is made up mostly of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases. Carbon dioxide only accounts for one third of 1 percent of the atmosphere.

    Home Products

    Many stores sell carbon dioxide enrichment products to help stimulate plant growth. These products can be found in special liquids, powders or potting soil.

    Practical Applications

    Carbon dioxide can stimulate plant growth, but plants still require the same amounts of sunlight and nitrogen to grow effectively. Adding carbon dioxide into barren soil will not cause plant growth.


    Greenhouse Gas Carbon Dioxide Ramps Up Aspen Growth

    The Cenozoic Evolution of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

    Cellular Respiration


    The Importance of Carbon Dioxide (Co2) for Healthy Plant Growth

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