• A urinary tract infection is a bacterial infection in the urethra that can cause considerable pain and frustration. Managing a urinary tract infection isn't difficult, but it does require a minor life change and attention to certain hygienic activities. The ultimate management of a UTI is cleanliness; however, even the cleanest person can get one.

    Managing a UTI

    Keep clean. When having a bowel movement, wipe from the front to the back to prevent bacteria from getting near the vagina. Wash the vaginal area regularly. Before and after sexual intercourse, wash so that any bacteria that might be in the area won't get pushed into the urethra. Drink plenty of liquids so that you urinate often, pushing the bacteria out. It is important to urinate immediately after the sensation comes, so that bacteria don't have time to culture and grow. One way of preventing and helping bladder infections and UTIs is to drink cranberry juice. Like juices with vitamin C, it has a high acidic level, so it won't allow the bacteria to stick to the urethra wall. Increase the amount of vitamin C that you consume, because this will give the urine a more acidic pH, which will kill off any bacteria that might be in the urethra as the urine passes. Vitamin C is a also a good addition to your diet, one that helps build the immune system. UTIs are painful and annoying, but they are not serious if managed and treated immediately. Once diagnosed and treated, it should only last for a few days. Being more hygienic is the single most effective method by which you can avoid getting a UTI.


    Treating and Preventing Urinary Tract Infections

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