• Criminal justice is an interdisciplinary study including law, sociology, psychology and political science It delves deeply into how the legal system works, studies criminals and their patterns of behavior, the effects on society and the prevention and deterrence of crime.

    Criminal Justice System

    Studying the legal and corrections system of the United States is a significant portion of criminal justice study. Topics covered include all legal processes beginning with investigations, process of discovery and indictments, all the way to convictions.

    Crime and Criminals

    Studying criminal justice includes learning about crime in general, but also the psychology and behaviors of criminals. Many serial killers as well as criminals who have displayed sociopathic tendencies are studied to enable students to understand and identify the signs and patterns.

    Correctional System

    Punishment of crime is heavily studied in criminal justice, as is the philosophy behind the prospect of rehabilitation. In addition to learning about the intricacies of the correctional system,. the study of criminal justice measures whether rehabilitation is achieved through incarceration.


    A significant course of study in criminal justice is the prevention of crime within society. Studying demographics, geographic tendencies and statistical analysis of all crime helps students understand the trends and figure out possible solutions.

    Where It Leads

    Studying criminal justice can lead to a variety of careers. Many students end up working in law enforcement, investigations or research, and it serves as a strong base for law studies. Studying criminal justice can also be a good major for those wishing to work for the state or federal government.


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