• PSA tests are blood tests that help detect prostate cancer in males older than 50. PSA, which means prostate-specific antigen, is a protein created by prostate cells.


    PSA tests can be used to detect cancer, monitor the effectiveness of treatment and detect the recurrence of cancer.

    PSA Levels

    The normal level for PSA is generally considered to be less than 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood. Men who have a PSA level greater than 10 nanograms per milliliter of blood have an increased risk for prostate cancer.

    False-Positive Results

    Unusually high PSA levels can occur from prostatitis (an inflamed prostate), frequent riding of a bicycle or motorcycle, a prostate biopsy or prostate surgery.

    PSA Velocity

    Another use of PSA tests is to find PSA velocity, which is the measurement of the change in PSA readings over time. Rapidly rising PSA readings indicate an increased risk of prostate cancer.

    Free PSA Tests

    A free PSA test measures unbound proteins only, which can help distinguish what kind of prostate condition a person has.


    National Cancer Institute: Understanding Prostate Changes

    Lab Tests Online: PSA

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