• Your birthday is a special day, if for no other reason than it marks the anniversary of the day you were born. But you may also be curious about what other events took place on your birthday or what famous people were also born on that day. With a little effort and research you can find out many facts about the day you were born.

    Oral Histories, Encyclopedias and Newspapers

    Family members such as parents or grandparents may be able to give you some information, but unless they have photographic memories, they probably won't be able to provide as many details as you would like. Encyclopedia "Year Books" such as those published by Funk & Wagnall or Encyclopaedia Britannica may be helpful. These are generally available in the reference section of most public libraries. Archived newspapers in the library's microfiche section can also help you research facts about the day you were born.

    Internet Tools

    The quickest, easiest way to obtain the information you seek is to use the Internet. A good place to start is the DMarie Time Capsule at Simply type the month, day and year of your birth in the box at the top of the page, then click on "Quick Page" or "Advanced Page". Clicking on the "Quick Page" button will automatically generate a page containing facts about the day you were born, including top news headlines, popular songs, movies, books and television shows as well as demographic information such as average prices and income. If you click on the "Advanced Page" button, you'll be taken to a "wizard" that allows you to customize the information that will appear on the final page. According to the author of the site, the DMarie Time Capsule has data for the years 1800-2002. Other sites where you can find out facts about the day you were born include The History Channel's "This Day in History" at and The New York Times "On This Day" at To quickly find a list of celebrities who share your birthday, visit The Internet Movie Database, type in your birthday in the upper left corner of the screen, then click the "On This Day" button. If you're interested in finding out how old you are in months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds, visit Time and at


    What Happened on the Day I Was Born?

    The Day You Were Born

    What Happened on the Day You Were Born?


    Library of Congress Online: American Memory This Day in History Time Capsule

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