• Menopause marks the end of menstruation and fertility for women and the transition is difficult for some. The changes that occur in the years leading up to menopause can result in dramatic changes in hormone levels that cause irregular menstruation, moodiness, fatigue, hot flashes and night sweats. Testing determines the stage that a woman is currently in on the road to menopause.

    Doctor's Examination

    Your doctor is the first source for diagnosing menopause. The symptoms that you describe and a record of your menstruation can help the doctor determine which stage you might be. Based on these symptoms, doctors may order tests to analyze your hormone levels. Discuss any symptoms that you are having with your doctor that may point to menopause. An underlying medical condition may be the cause of your symptoms such as irregular menstruation. Testing rules out infection or disease as a cause of heavy and irregular menstruation. You do not need treatment for menopause unless symptoms are causing a disruption to your life. Some women enter menopause without any adverse reaction and others may find the symptoms debilitating. Discuss how your symptoms are affecting your life with your doctor to find the best course of treatment for you.


    Doctors use FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone testing, in both men and women. The hormone controls menstruation and egg production in women. The levels of the hormone can determine where a woman is in relation to menopause. Your doctor orders FSH testing to diagnose menopause. In addition to FSH levels, doctors measure the level of estradiol. This hormone is estrogen and it is vital in the function of your reproductive system. Your test results will show higher levels of FSH and lower levels of estradiol during menopause.

    Necessity of Tests

    You may not require hormone testing to determine if you are in menopause. For some women, the cessation of menstruation for a full year is the defining symptom that indicates menopause. If you are having problems with menopause or you are under the age of 40, these tests help determine the cause of symptoms. The perimenopausal stage can be a confusing time for many women. Ask your doctor for hormone testing if the symptoms are inconsistent or causing distress. Knowing the stage your body is in can ease your mind and relieve some of the stress that your changing body is causing.


    University of Michigan Health System

    Healthwise: Menopause and Perimenopause

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