• Some may ask: What is a low-carbohydrate diet? Put simply, it's a diet consisting of little to no carbohydrates in the form of sugars, grains and starches.

    Carbohydrate Percentages

    Any diet with fewer than 50 to 60 percent of total calories coming from carbohydrates is considered low-carb.

    Calculating Carbs

    According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture food pyramid, high-carb consumption is between 50 to 70 percent of total calories. Moderate carb intake is 40 to 50 percent of calories, low carb is between 25 and 35 and between zero and 25 percent is considered very low carb.

    Low-Carb Diets

    Low-carb food program diets are extremely popular for reducing carbohydrate consumption. The following diets are all considered low-carb: Atkins, South Beach, Sugar Busters, Hamptons, Carbohydrate Addicts, Rosedale, Protein Power and the ketogenic diet.

    Why Low-Carb?

    Some believe that carbohydrate consumption increases blood insulin levels and leads to obesity. Therefore, starchy foods are eliminated in favor of consuming more proteins and fats. Under these conditions, the body is suppose to burn more fat, assisting in overall weight loss.

    Does it Work?

    The low-carb fad is thought to be inconsistent. While some individuals claim that a low-carbohydrate diet facilitates weight loss, some nutritionists challenge its overall safety.


    Low-Carb Diets

    USDA Food Pyramid and Nurtitioin Information


    Vegetarian Diet: Will it Help Me Lose Weight?

    South Beach Diet

    Weight Loss Options

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