• Hula hooping has been around for thousands of years - dating back to ancient Greece and Egypt. Hula hooping has recently regained popularity as a fun way to get fit and exercise.

    Traditional Hula Hooping

    Traditionally, hula hooping is done around the waist. This exercise will engage the entire torso, as well as the hips and legs. Hula hooping is a productive core workout, utilizing abdominal and back muscles while swaying the hoop around the waist.

    Alternative Hula Exercises

    The hula hoop is a versatile piece of exercise equipment, and can be used around the waist, which works the lower abdominal muscles, lower back, and core muscles; on the arms, which work the shoulder, biceps, and triceps; or the upper torso, which engages the core muscles and upper abdominal muscles. Weighted hula hoops are available to increase exercise intensity.

    Aerobic Benefits

    Exercising with a hula hoop is an aerobic activity, as it raises the heart rate and increases blood flow. Like other aerobic activities, the hula hoop also improves coordination and flexibility.

    Hula Hoop Benefits

    Because the hula hoop is rotating and applying pressure around the waist as it is used, it is providing additional health benefits by massaging the organs in the abdomen. The movement required to hula hoop also encourages better spinal cord flexibility.

    Health Benefits

    The health benefits of hula hooping can be seen if someone is able to hula hoop for at least 10 minutes. Hula hooping is a great way to add variety into a workout routine, and reap the benefits of aerobic exercise.


    Hula Hoop Exercises

    Weighted hula hoops: Exercise gimmick or good idea?

    Can I Lose Weight From Hula Hooping?

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