• The movement of air across the Earth's surface creates the basis of wind energy. The kinetic energy present in wind motion emerges through a process of conversion that transforms it into mechanical energy.


    When the sun heats the air above the land, it rises and expands. Cooler air that hovers above water quickly moves in to fill the space left by the elevated air and this motion produces wind.


    Water and land are the primary environmental conditions that affect wind patterns. Land absorbs more heat than water, so air over land is naturally warmer than air over water.

    Solar Energy

    The sun manufactures wind energy and wind will not exist without solar energy. The availability of wind energy remains present since the sun constantly shines on the Earth.

    Wind Patterns

    When the sun heats the uneven surface of the Earth it produces various wind patterns. Powerful wind patterns and cycles emerge at the equator where the sun's heat has its greatest impact.

    Wind Production

    Wind turbines collect and use wind energy. Turbines create wind power through the use of turning blades. Wind energy falls in the category of renewable energy.


    Clean Energy Ideas

    Wind Energy Development Programmatic

    Emergy Kids

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