• Babies have only one way of communicating their needs. That is to cry or fuss. Sometimes parents have a hard time trying to figure out why their baby is crying or fussing.

    Basic Needs

    If your baby is fussy it may be because of a wet diaper, hunger or tiredness. Solve these problems first. Change your baby's diaper, feed or nurse him and try to put him to sleep. This may solve the fussiness.


    Often babies are fussy when they are teething. Teething can begin at around 3 months. Is your baby chewing on toys and his fist? Is the front of his shirt covered in drool? He may be teething. Baby Orajel or Tylenol can help your baby with teething pain.

    Contact Your Pediatrician

    If after you take care of your baby's basic needs and solve the teething pain your baby is still fussy, it may be time to contact your pediatrician. She may be fussing due to an ear infection or other illness. Call your doctor and discuss your baby's symptoms.


    Kids Health

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