• A database is a table of records that can be accessed through searches, so why does hiring someone to create one cost so much? A well-engineered database interface may seem simple but conceals much planning and sophistication.

    Assessing Present Needs

    A database programmer is skilled at assessing current needs. Through evaluating your business work flow, the programmer identifies multiple services the database can provide.

    Databases Do More Than You Know

    A database is more than just retrieving a sales order; they can integrate other resources. This integration can increase productivity and customer retention.


    A well-constructed database is user-friendly, allowing non-technical staff to accomplish sophisticated data management.

    User Control

    Database programmers can put the ability to adjust program features in the hands of staff members. For example, adding new catalog categories.

    Room for Growth

    Database design allows for growth and features needed in the future.


    Much programming time is required to achieve project goals that adequately meet user needs over time. Database programming is an expertise that demands education and experience. Although an expensive initial investment, a database programmer can save money in the long run.


    Database Management An Expensive and Complex Problem

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