• Many famous people have attributed their lot in life to positive thinking. They claim the method has allowed them happiness, love, health, and success. It's a process that can't be learned overnight, but once mastered, can change your life.


    According to, "Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success." Basically, if you believe good things will happen to you, they will.

    Positive Thoughts

    When a negative thought comes into your mind, replace it with a positive one. Ignore feelings of quitting or laziness and work toward your goals.


    An affirmation is a short positive statement said by you to give yourself a boost. If affirmations are continuously repeated with conviction, they can break down all negativity.


    Smiling is contagious. But so are frowns. Others can pick up on your positive or negative energy and reflect it back to you. Always stay positive around others.

    Self Esteem

    Thinking positive boosts your self esteem. You become proud of who you are, confident, and better prepared to take on challenges.


    Success Consciousness: The Power of Positive Thinking

    Capacity for Life: What Does Positive Thinking Mean Exactly?


    Vital Affirmations

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