• The phrase "boot camp" can have a number of different meanings depending on the context in which it is used, though the first definition is by far the most predominant.

    Boot Camp as Military Training

    In US English, the phrase "boot camp" can refer to a place for providing basic military training for new soldiers.

    Boot Camp for Juvenile Delinquents

    The term can also refer to camps for juvenile delinquents that attempts rehabilitation using military drills and disciplines similar to those used in military boot camps.


    The phrase "boot camp" originated as a reference to the style of boots worn by US sailors and Marines.

    Formal Terms

    "Boot camp" is an American colloquialism. The formal term will vary depending on the military force referred to.

    Other Uses

    A number of movies and tv shows have been made playing off the boot camp concept, either as military training or juvenile delinquent camps. In addition, a feature in the Leopard version of the Apple Mac OSX operating system that allows for the installation of multiple operating systems is named "Boot Camp".


    Boot camp definitions

    Teen Boot Camps

    Boot Camp Origins

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