• As technology expands, virtual offices are becoming more popular for the flexibility they give businesspeople. They allow people to bring their offices anywhere, a great solution for those who work at home part time or full time.


    Rather than being primarily based in one physical location, a virtual office is a combination of communications services that allow co-workers to collaborate electronically, often via the Internet, from separate locations. It also might include a physical location used on as needed to establish and maintain a professional environment.


    A receptionist can schedule appointments from a remote location, a virtual assistant can provide services remotely, and businesspeople can hold conferences online through a virtual office. It also allows them to share and collaborate on documents.


    A virtual office can cut down on travel time, and it is useful for those who work in the field, such as journalists and many researchers. It also cuts down on the costs of maintaining an office separate from the home.


    Although some people prefer to collaborate on documents online, others prefer discussing changes face to face. A virtual office can be frustrating for those who are people-oriented, but many find that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.


    A number of programs that allow people to work collaboratively on documents are available, such as Microsoft Word's "Track Changes" feature, Lotus Notes and Novell Groupwise. Other programs, such as Visto, allow your team to store documents online and access them from remote locations.

    Physical Space

    A virtual office typically has a professional-sounding business address, often at a location the account holder uses for no other purposes. It sometimes provides "on-demand" work or meeting spaces as well.


    Microsoft Office Online, "Track Changes While You Edit"

    "Virtual Office Tools for a High-Profit Margin," David J. Drucker and Joel P. Bruckenstein, 2002

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