• Exercise during pregnancy is highly recommended by many doctors and health organizations. Determining how much exercise is too much during pregnancy depends on several factors.

    Pre-Pregnancy Health

    Women who start their pregnancy fit and healthy can usually continue any exercise program they were doing beforehand. But they should avoid contact sports and jarring or jumping motions.

    Different Trimesters

    Exercising in early pregnancy is fairly safe, but women suffering from morning sickness or fatigue should take it easy. In the third trimester, exercises requiring good balance may be too much to handle.


    Moderate-intensity or low-intensity exercises are best for pregnant women. If your heart is beating very fast or if you're having difficulty breathing, that can indicate that your workout is too intense.

    Pregnancy Complications

    Some pregnant women should avoid exercise or limit their exercise to low-intensity versions if they have had complications during their pregnancy. High blood pressure, early contractions and vaginal bleeding can all be reasons to stop exercising during pregnancy.

    Recognizing Problems

    Pregnant women should speak to their doctors before deciding on an exercise plan during pregnancy. Any feelings of dizziness, faintness, pain or fatigue during exercise can indicate a problem, and the pregnant woman should stop exercising immediately and call her doctor.


    Exercise During Pregnancy

    American Pregnancy Association

    Mayo Clinic

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