• A state treasure is elected to management the state treasury office and the fiscal concerns of the state. State treasurer roles can vary by state and encompass a variety of duties.


    Typically a state treasurer is responsible for accounting, banking, bond management, working with other state agencies, data processing, coordinating with the state auditor, and the supervision and regulation of public funds insurance.


    The state treasurer appointed by the citizens of the state via election. The treasurer holds a four-year term.

    Chain of Command

    The state treasurer is responsible for reporting to the governor, the legislator, and the state bond commission.


    The make up of every states government is different and as a result there may be additional responsibilities of the state treasurer other than those listed here. In some instances, the state treasurer serves on a variety of boards and commissions that differ from state to state.

    Succession Responsibilities

    If a vacancy occurs in the office of the governor, the state treasurer is the fourth in line after the lieutenant governor, secretary of state and attorney general to fill the seat.


    South Dakota Department of Treasury

    Louisana Department of Treasury

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