• Words in the English language are constantly changing. A term that is acceptable now may be considered degrading or politically incorrect in the near future. For example, the term "physically handicapped" has changed enormously throughout time and continues to change as people become more aware of conditions and rights.

    Definition of Handicap

    According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the word "handicap" is: "a condition that markedly restricts a person's ability to function physically, mentally or socially."


    However, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not use the term "physically handicapped" in reference to people with physical impairments. Instead, the term "disabled" is preferred.

    Physical Impairments

    Physical impairment is often associated with a person using a wheelchair; however, they also include other physical impairments such as blindness and deafness.

    People First Language

    It is also important to note the importance of using "people first" language. For example, a person with physical disability not a physically disabled person.


    Words and how they are used by the general mass plays a considerable role in how a group of people are seen by others and themselves. It is essential to use the politically correct term.


    World Health Organization

    Disable or Able

    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


    A Way with Words

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