• Women spend large amounts of time and money learning about and shopping for clothing. In order to wear such revealing outfits, women are driven to diet and hit the gym, often wondering if it's really necessary.

    Contents Count

    If a woman is revealing more than she should according to her level of attractiveness, it has a counterproductive effect. Instead of attracting men, it repels them.

    Timing Counts

    Sexy clothes need to be worn on sexy occasions. Avoid wearing a sexy outfit to a business meeting. While men may enjoy the free serving of "eye candy," they will not take you seriously. Save the sexy outfit for an evening out at a fine restaurant, or for the nightclub or a concert.

    Age Appropriate

    To be sexy, fashion must fit the age of the person. What is sexy on a 20-year-old may look ridiculous on a woman approaching 40.

    Authenticity Counts

    Men are repelled by women who dress in artificial-looking costumes. If your outfit could be worn by a woman on the trapeze in the circus, it probably is not sexy for a dinner date.

    Feminity Counts

    Most men are attracted to the opposite sex. The more you remind him that you are female and fine with it, the greater the attraction. Softer is more sensual, and the less you reveal the sexier you are. Tease him by showing some skin, but not quite enough.


    When Is Not-So-Sexy... Oh-So-Sexy?

    What Makes Women Sexy


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