• A burqa is a garment commonly worn by women living in strict Islamic societies. The burqa has become an important symbol of the Islamic religion, and in some places its wearing is strictly enforced by the authorities.

    The Burqa

    A burqa is worn outside the home. It consists of a long, flowing robe, usually but not always black in color, as well as a headdress. Some traditions, which hold that a woman's face and body should be completely covered, keep a face-veil as part of the burqa, while others do not require a face covering.


    The burqa originates in traditional clothing used by desert-dwellers in the Middle East, where heat, sand, and wind can deal heavy wear and direct physical damage to the skin and particularly the face. More recently, the burqa is used to conform to an important cultural tradition in some Islamic countries that demands women appear and behave modestly in public, and especially in the presence of men.

    Legal Controversies

    In some western countries, the wearing of a burqa has caused controversy. Notably, France has passed a law banning the burqa, as well as head scarves, as religious symbols (public schools in France are strictly secular institutions).


    In societies where a fundamentalist form of Islam has taken hold, the wearing of a burqa is often strictly enforced, either by family members or police authorities, who are empowered to arrest and charge women for dressing immodestly in public.

    The Voluntary Burqa

    The burqa is also worn voluntarily in societies where Islam is present but Islamic tradition is not strictly enforced. These include India, Pakistan, and some regions of Malaysia and Indonesia, both countries with Islamic majorities. For women wearing the burqa by choice, this garment allows them to move more freely in public areas and avoid unwanted attention from men.


    The Burqa: Facts and Issues

    PeaceWomen: The Burqa: Prison or Protection

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