• Weeds can ruin a perfect garden and overrun a manicured lawn very quickly. Many options are available for getting rid of weeds, but most are expensive, toxic or both. Salt, on the other hand, is natural weed killer that is safe, affordable and powerful.

    Salt Basics

    Salt is best known for its preserving and seasoning properties. Because of its usefulness it is a household staple. Also, its fast dehydrating qualities make it a practical and cost-effective solution for killing weeds.

    Why Salt Works

    Salt works effectively to kill weeds by drawing water from the plant's cells. It essentially dehydrates the plant so that it is no longer able to absorb water. When the plant cannot absorb water it quickly dies.

    Make Your Own

    To make your own salt weed killer at home, mix one cup of salt with one gallon of water. Shake well and pour into a spray bottle.

    How To Use

    Saturate the weeds you want to kill with the salt spray. Focus on the leaves and the roots. Spray daily until the weeds are gone.


    Salt is such an effective weed killer that it will kill surrounding plants if they are rooted in the same area. Keep the spray away from all plants you wish to keep. Salt will also stay in the soil and could possibly prevent new growth. Take precautions to keep the soil healthy after it is treated with salt.


    Home Made Weed Killer: A Good Idea... Sometimes

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