  • Photography is the art of light. Novice photographers everywhere are taking their skills to the professional level with the addition of studio lights. Of course using studio lighting isn't the only way to get great light. Natural light is the best light to use and even when conditions aren't ideal, natural light can be manipulated. If you want to learn how to take great pictures, learn how to use light.

    Community Courses

    Every community offers adult education classes. Visit your local community college and ask about non-credit classes offered at the campus. These classes are for non-degree seeking people who want to learn a specific skill or subject. There are generally day or night classes available and they are taught by a qualified instructor. Watch your local paper for a list of adult education classes as well. You should also check your local community and cultural centers. Find their information in the local section of your phone book or look online for a website.


    Online learning is gaining popularity everyday. There are formal classes available from accredited schools and there are tutorials posted by professionals willing to share trade secrets. Just do an Internet search for "how to learn photography lighting" and you'll find plenty of resources to get started.

    Library and Clubs

    If you are a good independent learner, try visiting your local library. There will be plenty of books available on the subject. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce to see if there are any photography clubs in your area. They generally exist in every community and they have regular meetings. Attend a meeting and enlist a pro to tutor you toward your learning goal. Whatever method you choose, learning the aspects of lighting is essential to good photography. Once you've mastered a few techniques you'll be able to capture the money shot every time.


    lighting tutorials

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